Thursday, January 22, 2009

Combinations Calculator

flash ... Market Democracy

That sentence ironic and tragicomic " youth has changed little ... before taking a barracks and are now combing the fringe " the majestic Diego Capusotto, concerned about its meaning. The loss of commitment and participation, not to see reality, the depoliticization of youth has been an aggravation to some existing and consolidated middle class disinterested in the problems. Problems to be avoided are not accidents. Created the middle class (including such inequality) for a system that works like a thermometer false society where the media give them news that is news only to some. Cities
white mestizo continent (the small European). Gringos French pedigree and mink coats, eager to be a colonial barn (they sound the song of San Jauretche?).
But not all is well. What has been the system was not fully depoliticize youth by buying them with carrot consumption (almost all ads are aimed at them). There is a lot of commitment and activism in youth, but the system atomized through of selfishness in participation. It is therefore important to sometimes accompany it can be to certain processes and Latin American popular movements that have done what no one was in so much history, start to worry and take care on those who spit and threw the system, those who do not give Stock help. The first governments will always be the weakest, but it is important to assess what has been achieved, and compare that to look back there is little or nothing. Furthermore unreservedly oppose them also to weaken the process of change that coyote fed liberal he's looking forward to devour the people's unity, not seeking a vote over a fragmented left You, but a vote unless the ruling popular. The fragmentation of popular struggle becomes even stronger in this paper tiger.
independence was achieved, but was changed from colonizer. The struggle for self determination, dignity, collective ownership of means of production, and sound and effective distribution of natural resources must be for the whole of the people is inevitable. In terms of insurance amnesia, anesthesia liberal marquetinera interface. But as Ernesto said, this wave has begun to grow no more stop. These villages in the south, known little but have much in common, which are the majority.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bmx - Bike Painting Application..

Plan Anti

is interesting to see how this system of choice of subsystems arise in a minority (and with its own voice) on the planet. The freedom to choose, rather than a ruler, a subsystem (liberalism, socialism) by a party or figure. Takes place the opposition? Yes, the opposition within market democracy. Nobody voted for the system of market democracy (constitutional), at least the opposition has no place in it.
But the constitutional basis guaranteeing democracy. Of course the market. Some countries outlaw says opposition political participation. But opposition to what? Being more specific: it prohibits participation in the anti systems (I mean not only the case of Cuba). Allowed to vote as something contrary to the foundations of a country which led to a system. As elsewhere, here you can not vote against market democracy, there will not be voting against their non-market democracy.
Choose how the market can mean hardship for some people (especially when most are not the sufferer). But if the constitutional basis for determining certain rights to be guaranteed (utilities such as human rights, housing, education and health one and the same for all, that is real progress, not the the little colored lights and only a few) participation is restricted to certain political actors (end up being banned?) that could participate in the previous market democracy must attend. How might take place in a revolutionary opposition if the opposition is opposed to the revolutionary interests (constitutional or structural or society) , which would be opposed to constitutional democracy (rather market) in our system, or here can perhaps be accommodated anti-system party contrary to the constitutional basis?. No.
With current games, if we reform the constitutional basis (ensuring rights), very few parties may occur. Then we can consider whether democracy is a good system or simply a form of organization in the West by proxy, for lack of consensus, or conversely, allow conflicting interests to agree on certain sectors affected.

Finally, we would not understand comments that request access to the opposition in a revolutionary country (of course if the people behind it, no more powerful government that is to be sustainable without support), if such liberal opposition, attentive to the interests not only of the humble but what helped some. Or perhaps we would no longer participate in our market democracy to someone who has to exercise de facto government?. Reform and constitutional change (as it would in our Southern Cone) helps the majority can not infringe upon the interests of the most disadvantaged in society. You have to understand, choose a capitalist government goes against many people (in their lives and their dignity as persons), this ban can not be claimed in a nation whose interests they seek to defend bases this cruel system come to destroy. If Socialism, say, is in constitutional terms, opposition to the system would not be outlawed, there would be to be an anti-system.

Monday, January 19, 2009

How To Do Hair Like A Movie Star

This is a space in the future try to keep the flame alive through this means, hope for social change, sharing comments, and events, which in principle does not mean anything, but will try. Latin press will not (although I would). Will be only words what has here, but reading and information which opens the heads and help us take that big step to a revolution, this transcendence of man, timid and selfish model of solidarity (as there are many in everywhere).
It is important to realize that normal is not always true, current systems are not divine, so-called "human nature" may just be what we want us to be present. Deschavar so organized lying.

fairness I do not look quite the contrary, ideology and bias, commitment, certain topics are not to be consensus on this blog, and maybe that mark the strongest and most rigid stance and idea of \u200b\u200bthe writer. Another thing is the differences that according to how they are built. I am not irrational, but as many know, there are certain issues that can not agree.

Last but not least, I clarify that I have good fiction, I write like I speak sadly.