Friday, October 29, 2010

Smelly Urine And Celiacs Disease


The police and other sectors of civil servants in Ecuador, came to express their disagreement with the so-called Public Service Act, which is part of the government effort to stretch their tax bills, dwindling with the bonds that sustain the patronage necessary to sustain the revolution. This law means a cut in benefits or failing to pay the settlement by the end of functions, in bonds or state, rather than cash.
In the case of the police, whose ranks are made up of humble people, the discontent took an unexpected path. Surely frustration and desperation of these public servants at the base of the pyramid pay had been exacerbated by observing, as this law, like others such as the Law on Communication, Education, the Water, were imposed in the Assembly, without parliamentary formula but rather using all kinds of tricks and ruses, foreign to the spirit of democracy, which must be based on the balance of powers and the discussion and consensus of ideas.
Knowing the President of an assembly of troops in the Regiment Quito, decided to go in person to quell the discontent, without understanding or negotiation proposal, but rather to impose his authority. This position of Head of State to resolve this serious situation, born of a fair labor complaint from a platform, not a negotiating table with respect and equal treatment, increase the anger of the claimants who from that moment, overwhelmed by frustration, police ignored his investiture and the Head of State.
The disrespect, the humiliation of the President and the brawl that became then is regrettable and reprehensible. A police force is a compliant and non-deliberative body, subordinate to civil authority embodied in the figure of the President. The path taken by the police troop was wrong and caused serious damage to police force and the principle of authority, essential force in the Republic.
This conflict could and should be solved by means of dialogue and mediation, making concessions where necessary, has left seven dead and over hundred injured and has stripped the world the reality of life in Ecuador of the Citizens' Revolution.
This revolution that calls itself the "citizen" paradoxically does not take into account citizens and respects the republican authorities called to represent the will of the people through democratic institutions and bodies. The agenda presidential categorizing imposes no concessions to those who disagree as enemies of the revolution and assigned to the 'party of the past. The National Assembly, the prosecution and judicial and electoral bodies act as executive agencies, each time with less shame. In the speeches invoking democracy but in practice is to refer to the press and the public is saturated with the state version of the facts.
"If they want to kill the President ... I'm here" said tearing their clothes. Following a coup denounced at the same time ordered the confiscation of the information. It is clear that Both accusations are false and baseless. Neither the intention of the police was to commit an assassination, nor is the claim that sustainable there was a coup. In no time the police said the intent or made any claims that would lead to think they had in mind to overthrow the President and establish some kind of dictatorial rule. Nor did they know the trend or ideals that the new government would install or have been shown to have a plan of government or the existence of conspirators in the political or military leaders to ensure the consolidation of an alleged de facto government. These serious accusations made by the Chief of State, before the world, should be investigated and clarified by the prosecution and the judges who must find the assassins and coup or punish the President by the act of defamation.
remains the urgent task of restoring the principle of authority in the police ranks. However, the fundamental task lies with the President who shall amend its form of government, subject to the rules and levels of democracy, understanding that his duty is to carry forward the national agenda radically opposite to poverty and leave aside personal agenda focused solely on their unlimited stay in power.
Marcel D. Feraud
Ex Consul of Ecuador in Miami

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My Dog Has Warts On Its Lips






Dear writers, poets, artists, and friends of Ecology:

day Sunday 21 November 2010 at 17 am in Lebanon Rep No. 24, City of Quilmes.
(8 blocks from the station Quilmes.)
The Senior Center will be something to live for our homestay this time, with its beautiful style Meeting Room "Candy," a worthy place for events, in Quilmes.
The call aims to bring together leading artists of the Buenos Aires Area, to speak on the topic
ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT, from the point of view of the writer, poet, and artist.
Participation and presentation at this recital is free, and all participants will published for free in a new anthology
similar to the famous and widely Anthology GREEN DREAM "which was distributed this year, and planned
publish in early 2011, and titled" WAKE GREEN "and will be edited to
"Independent Publishing RUBEN SADA" and distributed with minimal editorial costs,
with the aim of spreading the environmentalist preaching that we need to engage as artists and writers.

Those interested should register:
Registration for participation will be received until two days before the event, the last dates for registration, on Friday November 19, 2010, when the list will be made presentations and there will be more opportunity for enrollment.
wrote about it!
Important: There will be no extensions. Do not miss the last minute. This is your opportunity to participate. We need you.
The world needs poets, writers like you.

Registration: - By phone:
Mr. Ruben Sada-54-11-4224-5134 (Bs Aires)

hope your contribution.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Has My Son Got Chicken Pox?

AMELIA FERNANDEZ (Lanus) presents his collection "Honey"

AMELIA FERNANDEZ (Lanus) presents his collection "Honey"

Mil for poet Congratulations AMELIA FERNANDEZ Lanus, who has been reissued with us your beautiful work poetry entitled "Honey" . The book has 80 pages full of poetry very well built, and some narrative readings at the end of it. The editing and design were made by independent publishing RUBEN SADA and corrected, and improved compared to the book by the first edition. It will be available in a few days at the BOOK FAIR Lanus, during the second half OCTOBER 2010. The event will take place in (ex Pavon) Hipólito Yrigoyen 5682. Remedios de Escalada. Lanús. Buenos Aires Province. Argentina. It is the headquarters of the National University of Lanus and their phones for inquiries are: 4247-4489/4490/4485.Oportunamente post photos of the Book Fair. We wait.

literary encounters Find out where you can participate here: