Thursday, September 17, 2009

Instruction Storage Bed Hydraulic


Delicious and very healthy. After they were tested, one realizes that Esau sold his birthright to Jacob in exchange for a pittance.

INGREDIENTS (for 2 people)

150 gr. Lentil
150 gr. of
minced 2 medium onions 1 medium carrot

a stick of celery 1 cup tomato sauce (preferably fried at home)

olive oil salt freshly ground black pepper


leave to soak lentils overnight. Before you start preparing the dish, drain and set aside.
fine julienne onions, carrots and celery (which carefully remove the threads). Briefly fry vegetables with a pinch of salt in a pan with olive oil. Add the minced meat sauce (may be only beef, but I decided not to introduce third of pork: the master touch, as they prepare lasagne alla bolognese) and stir a few seconds. Just let your mind raw meat, pour the lentils into the pan and add tomato sauce, a pinch of black pepper and water. Leaving
simmer until lentils are in point and the broth is concentrated.


In the last phase of cooking should be removed frequently so that the lentils do not stick to the bottom of the pot and end up burning. The risk of this happening naturally increases as the water cooking broth is evaporated and concentrated.

Many prefer to not add any meat to the pan since we started preparing the dish. The other possibility is to use half ground beef to make small meatballs that add only when the cooking is ending.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Homemade Dog Doors For A Garage

highlighting inconsistencies. WHY NOT CLOSE TO THE VEHICLE THE JEWISH? A LOOK BACK

On more than one occasion in the short life of this blog have highlighted the effort expended by the inhabitants of the Jewish Quarter and the authorities responsible for conservation respect thereof by traditional architectural fees. It is true that they have been careful even small details like the wardrobe to hide external accountants to houses or fire hoses, carefully made of wood and topped with flavored old hardware. It is therefore even more surprising and horrifying modern means of locomotion found parked on their streets. The cars, with their bright colors, ugly greatly Jewry, tarnish its beautiful architecture. But also involve another set of problems that are not solely aesthetic nature.
For starters, these buildings should be protected from direct contamination caused by cars and motorbikes. But also the use of mechanical means of transportation in this part of town becomes a nuisance that makes absolutely no life or provide comfort. Since the streets are very narrow, circular by them is extremely complex: it rarely involves maneuvering almost impossible to park and wait until traffic clears requires infinite patience. A couple of cars are enough to cause a considerable cap. Imagine what happens when a commercial van (often large) is determined to move about (which happens constantly). In short, it takes much longer to get where you want to go by car than on foot.
This means that traffic in the Jewish Quarter and pollutes not only detracts a historic area, but that does not really makes life easier for its inhabitants. Quite the contrary. In fact, it is not uncommon to hear how some of them complain of precisely this.
Therefore, although I suppose that my proposal will not be welcomed by the inhabitants of the ghetto who own vehicles and wish to have them parked at your home, I think far more logical to close the Jewish Quarter to traffic .
In fact, even car owners would improve the quality of life if they could not pass through the neighborhood with their cars, and would avoid waste precious time and would not risk his serenity.
Local police often appeal to the wisdom of the citizens and calls on visitors who are sympathetic to the problems that traffic can result in the old town. I would say that we must not resign ourselves to ask for understanding. We must prevent these problems occurring.
To this end, it is desirable that the competent authorities decide to close traffic the Jewish Quarter. However, measures like this are very popular in the short term (for residents appreciate their benefits requires a bit of time or a clear vision on their part), and therefore it is expected that very few governments have the courage to undertake them.
In any case, is taken as such or not, I think even more important is to educate the neighbors that there are things that should not be done, even if not explicitly forbidden. Should not be made simply because they damage something that belongs to the community, and the community we all are.
therefore appeal to the residents of the Jewish Quarter to be the ones who become involved in a citizens' initiative, to be the ones who set an example of good sense and responsibility.
I think we should remember that more and more European cities who decide to close the traffic historical helmets to protect them and keep better. Such measures are taken even in areas far wider than the Jewish Quarter of Herve, which can go well in full to walk without effort. In fact, I recall that old cars do not come down to the ghetto. Those who already have a certain age will recall that fifty years ago, even down to their dealers avoided vans that used to be parked in The Square. The products were distributed simply by shopping carts with merchandise. Further proof that our proposal is not crazy at all.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ringworm On Upper Arm

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Rotronic Model:12.02.1086

Look out the

If Jewish Quarter doors suggest an invitation to open to the outside, the windows seem to induce meditation.
On the facades of the Jewish Quarter few windows are usually small dimensions and sometimes sensitive, windows of less than two feet with glass fixed. For this reason, the custom of keeping the top of the doors open it is very necessary to keep the house ventilated. The windows, square or rectangular, are lintels and extremely simple in the best with a frame just devastated chestnut without sills.
Despite the claustrophobic feeling that some of these can inspire, who still live in houses with windows of this type, say they are its small dimensions which allow households to stay cooler in summer and warm in winter . Not surprisingly, given that small openings just cause gaps in the insulation that offer extra wide walls against external heat or cold, for both thickness and the materials with which they were built (stone and bricks) allow a very low thermal conductivity. In addition, the small windows preventing entry of embarrassment and the sun in summer and in winter, prevent heat escaping accumulated inside the home with fireplaces, stoves or other heating system.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

How To Build Your Gor Gocart


The Jewish Quarter is a stronghold of traditions not only architectural, it survives even the admirable habit, until very recently widespread in much of the town, keep the doors open all day. At least when the weather permits. It seems that it costs distrust nest there, the hospitality or the desire to be open to the world, to integrate, to feel part of a community, continues to weigh more than the fear that we submit to his rule every day a little more. And that is when you wander through its streets, in effect, there seems to perceive the relations between neighbors are still closer than is usual today, more similar than they were a while.
In the Jewish Quarter almost all doors are the fees also predominated in the past at the top of Hervás (we use this designation based simply on the morphology of the people, and that access to the ghetto must descend any of their hits). There are many of them are still quite old, since few houses are inhabited not long. However, the most recent renovations have also carefully observed these fees using newly manufactured doors that replicate older models.
Needless to say, Hervás doors were made of chestnut wood resistant (and usually decorated with thick nails.) a material often be common also in the lintel and sometimes even in the jambs, which sometimes are made of stone. It was stout doors to the naked eye could be considered zealous guardians of the privacy of people from their homes. However, as we speak rather of a strong desire to promote integration and socialization, rather than zoom in and out. The most common door type consisted of a sheet one piece and another split in two, from which the upper-and often kept in the Jewish quarter is usually kept still-open. To prevent too much heat comes into the house and also to protect the entranceway looks too indiscreet, after the door leaf that used to remain partially open throughout the day he put a thick curtain, as can still be seen today in some houses in the Jewish quarter.
In some of these old doors can still see the cattery by the small fellow former Jewish Quarter residents returning to their homes.
doors can also be narrower, a blade only split in two.
The wide double doors of a piece, often very shabby, they would give way to private wineries and wineries sometimes open to the public, including the famous winery Cones today unfortunately closed. Some of these are partly buried. You can often find half-buried house with income.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Beveled Mirror Blocks


today inaugurated a section designed to accompany us throughout our journey. This is a space dedicated to the memory and maybe a little melancholy sound, which the Jewish Quarter, try looking through the eyes of yesteryear. Unfortunately we can no longer recover some landscapes have now disappeared, we can not show the visitor the legendary caves of Calvo (between the Jewish Quarter and the Church) or the less traveled not hold the cones. We'll have to settle for resorting to sepia to feed the illusion that, in fact, twenty years is nothing.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Salomon Helmet How Do You Remove


The Jewish Quarter is always perceived a marked desire for tidiness, a clear desire beautify facades, a refined taste for the beautiful, a commendable effort to make the most party to the home itself.
When we walk the streets of the Jewish Quarter of the show not only that we enjoy the ancient architecture offers us, our senses are besieged by beautiful shapes and colors, brush strokes that the profusion of pots, or even large cans, because any container is good for growing plants, placed in a landscape otherwise mono-though by no means monotonous, governed by beige tones, toasted and brown, the adobe and mortar with which the walls were plastered and the stout chestnut beams. If we wait patiently and still roam its corners when approaching the lunch hour, also for the exquisite flavors of traditional cuisine of simple dishes and unbeatable at the same time, economic and sublime, as cooked potatoes mashed with wooden pestle and then mixed a rehash of the excellent La Vera paprika and bay leaf from the family garden, something very similar to that in neighboring Valley Jerte called Potatoes rolled.
plants, and especially the flowers, have a key role in the setting of the Jewish Quarter. There hardly find a house façade or window hangs a planter, or bottom of the door of which does not rest at least one container. And if you have the opportunity to peek at a courtyard, the love of gardening will become more evident. However, in the street where the plant kingdom Rabilero becomes players absolute and unquestionable. This is where the orgy of green threatens to overwhelm our senses.
Naturally, the inhabitants of the Jewish Quarter are proud when visitors admire its facade, when you choose to remember in years to come his visit to the Jewish quarter with a photograph of the facade of his home in his hands. However, I would say that competition from neighboring constant by making their homes the most beautiful, plays a fundamental generosity and altruism, will also cheer the passer-view, of giving a moment of unexpected beauty.
few streets where innocent children still play among the flowers, oblivious to the dangers with which the adult world they are threatened, certainly worth a visit and protected with zeal.