Thursday, September 17, 2009

Instruction Storage Bed Hydraulic


Delicious and very healthy. After they were tested, one realizes that Esau sold his birthright to Jacob in exchange for a pittance.

INGREDIENTS (for 2 people)

150 gr. Lentil
150 gr. of
minced 2 medium onions 1 medium carrot

a stick of celery 1 cup tomato sauce (preferably fried at home)

olive oil salt freshly ground black pepper


leave to soak lentils overnight. Before you start preparing the dish, drain and set aside.
fine julienne onions, carrots and celery (which carefully remove the threads). Briefly fry vegetables with a pinch of salt in a pan with olive oil. Add the minced meat sauce (may be only beef, but I decided not to introduce third of pork: the master touch, as they prepare lasagne alla bolognese) and stir a few seconds. Just let your mind raw meat, pour the lentils into the pan and add tomato sauce, a pinch of black pepper and water. Leaving
simmer until lentils are in point and the broth is concentrated.


In the last phase of cooking should be removed frequently so that the lentils do not stick to the bottom of the pot and end up burning. The risk of this happening naturally increases as the water cooking broth is evaporated and concentrated.

Many prefer to not add any meat to the pan since we started preparing the dish. The other possibility is to use half ground beef to make small meatballs that add only when the cooking is ending.


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