Saturday, September 5, 2009

Rotronic Model:12.02.1086

Look out the

If Jewish Quarter doors suggest an invitation to open to the outside, the windows seem to induce meditation.
On the facades of the Jewish Quarter few windows are usually small dimensions and sometimes sensitive, windows of less than two feet with glass fixed. For this reason, the custom of keeping the top of the doors open it is very necessary to keep the house ventilated. The windows, square or rectangular, are lintels and extremely simple in the best with a frame just devastated chestnut without sills.
Despite the claustrophobic feeling that some of these can inspire, who still live in houses with windows of this type, say they are its small dimensions which allow households to stay cooler in summer and warm in winter . Not surprisingly, given that small openings just cause gaps in the insulation that offer extra wide walls against external heat or cold, for both thickness and the materials with which they were built (stone and bricks) allow a very low thermal conductivity. In addition, the small windows preventing entry of embarrassment and the sun in summer and in winter, prevent heat escaping accumulated inside the home with fireplaces, stoves or other heating system.


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