Friday, June 19, 2009

Ap Bio Lab 1 Diffusion And Osmosis Answers

Member Heller, Kirchner at p. ..

Uncle the Government Perón to power. No doubt, long ago it was not so latent fact vote for the motion, is who is. For most charismatic and Heller is coherent or Uncle Campora, with the support of progressive young people, etc., the vote is felt Heller as voting process, which many say "it plebiscite." Obviously, we want people like Heller, Recalde, Nenna, Piumato, Leah, John Cabandié, etc in the House of National Legislature of Buenos Aires, but it is striking how little importance the voter Heller gives your candidate. Not mentioned both his person, but to the party. Not so with the other parties, especially in electoral democracy so personal. Example, not be the same Pino Solanas their second or Ripoll Bodart, or anyone Michetti the pro. Heller quietly might be second. Or fifth (in fact the fifth is Lia Mendez, a number of years in P. Humanist). In fact, in Buenos Aires Scioli pj lends its name, showing personality in the game, but with the same intention as that rate, you choose your project, this, what is missing. But I do not agree with this move, I liked Heller, perhaps because the candidate had no porteño Pj defined at the time and would vote to PSOL. In fact Carlos Heller had everything ready to go with the PSOL, which brought many progressive forces. He always said a book lover of utopian socialism, and it is no wonder that groups these sectors, so always see banners of the Communist Youth Socialists accompanying forces.

A little of it . Cooperative and political. Over 40 years working in non-state governance. Since its founding in 1979 in charge as manager and then president Credicoop Bank, Latin American cooperative reference peak. Resistance was part of the cooperative during the dictatorship, to the crisis in this sector. From 1985 to 1995 Vice Boca, Macri criticizes its management have been light and make the players feel that they were not employees but as partners or part of the club (in short, a nonprofit Civil Society profit). In 2007 he founded the PSOL (Solidarity Party), finally committing to the policy to its current 68, which brought together the forces already commented, supported the model K and criticized its shortcomings in a constructive manner, as an independent progressive, just as Sabbatella made. Always critical of the liberal right always. When I was all prepared with the PSOL agreed with the Pj Buenos Aires, to join forces, respecting the first place. Charismatic, trained and best speech has, always accompanied by documentation and projects, with memories of the past of the other candidates. Not One Step Back joins the blogging community Peronist the fellow militants, and support the candidate of the popular national project and the Capital, in our case, and the country all the FPV, and EPPV FJPV. Any comments about the phenomenon "uncle" vote K, corrections, more info and likes (or dislikes) about Carlos Heller and his candidacy is welcome.

Here is a video posted above really great :

Sources: Photo 1 Photo 2


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