Sunday, February 13, 2011

Instruction Storage Bed


opened today, after an absence for which I apologize and that is by no means synonymous with lack of interest in my most valued guests, but rather the result of circumstances, a new section about cooking. It is my intention to try recover her traditional recipes were prepared daily in Hervás not so many decades ago and now, coming and who then cooked at a certain age, are lost. How often have I heard from neighbors of the people who now looks splendid spring seventy or eighty "I, this year, I stopped preparing the nuego, I am too lazy." Totally understandable that you lazy after carrying fifty or sixty years preparing. And some facilities that you can find Christmas sweets suitable for almost any occasion without having to mess and having to clean the entire kitchen. However, it would be even more beautiful if the children o nietos de esas mujeres (no es un comentario feminista; sabéis bien que en esa generación casi ningún hombre cocinaba. Aunque mi abuelo hacía unas excelentes tortillas de bacalao, por ejemplo) les diese por meterse en la cocina, acompañados de las matriarcas, y fuesen ellos quienes metiesen las manos en la masa. Seguramente la experiencia daría pie, además, a recuperar anécdotas del pasado, pedazos de las vidas de esas mujeres, que son también pedazos de nuestra propia historia. Sería una buena oportunidad para hablar más, porque en las familias existe cada día una mayor incomunicación. Y no se puede, no se debe vivir aislado. Y dejar que la experiencia acumulada en toda una vida se pierda es una pena, perhaps even a sin that sooner or later will be punished.

The kitchen is a fundamental part of any culture, and a means of expression that sometimes allows the individual to communicate feelings that otherwise would not release (think Like Water for Chocolate). The desire to cook is an essential indicator of the state of our emotional world. The day starts turbarte the idea that someone who allegedly love to eat your food, you understand that now is the time to sit and reflect, to dig inside and make sure everything remains where it was before. When you stop into the kitchen, when you give up that pleasure because you unbearable cook for him / her, it means that there is no turning back. By the same token, when you want to cook for other people, that is true love, is the gender that is.

In fact, as in love, I think some people come into the kitchen to eat and those who do for others to eat. But it seems that only the second truly come to love the culinary arts, and only they achieve the magic, the perfect symbiosis between the ingredients, the balance between originality and tradition, passion and discipline, between creativity and pragmatism. In short, I believe that only generous, given that much, they become good cooks, for the same reason that only they become good lovers (and of course I am not thinking only, or mainly, on the physical plane). Or maybe they are not, but his dishes are truly touching the hearts of the people. For love, to cover him with spices that you cover him, we see forever.

So who is willing to undertake this journey into the past, who wants to be both a journey into the future. Who is not afraid to dirty, short and maybe sometimes to burn (because the stains are washed, heal wounds and burns heal) is roll up the cuffs (washing is not as funny or as creative as cooking ) and with all the enthusiasm of which he is able, follow me.


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